Having just read the first chapter, I am struck by the similarity of the rhythm, word-choice, sentence structure, etc. to many of the songs on Bob Dylan's 1965 album, Bringing It All Back Home; 1965 was a poetic year.
From page six: "had stopped at all the corners where street preachers preached of the golden tides of the future world and harvests of dragons' teeth and reaping the whirlwind, had gone to baseball games in those packed stadiums, watching pitchers pitch the moons, the suns, the stars"
From "It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleeding" : "While preachers preach of evil fates / Teachers teach that knowledge waits"
Mr. Tambourine Man and Gates of Eden are also on that album, and have similar hallucinatory imagery.
In my "rigorous dream" (p. 2) where there is "no landscape but the soul's" (p. 4), Bob Dylan sat at Marguerite Young's feet in Greenwich Village and honed his craft.
P.S. Thanks for inviting me to the book club, I hope this kind of post is fine by y'all.